Escola Paulista de Medicina

Webinar Development of non human primate preclinical models to assess countermeasures efficacy

On October 26, at 11 am

webinar Development of non human primate preclinical models FEED

Speaker: Frédéric Ducancel, Deputy director, Operating management and technological aspects, Department of ImmunoVirology iMETI/DSV/CEA, Fontenay-aux-Roses; Center for Immunology of Viral, Auto-immune, Hematological and Bacterial diseases, UMR1184, IDMIT Department, Université Paris-Saclay, Inserm, CEA,

Moderator: Mirian Hayashi, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacology, Escola Paulista de Medicina - Unifesp

Pre-clinical animal models are a necessary and legally required step prior to conducting clinical trials. IDMIT (Infectious Diseases, Modeling and Innovative Therapies) is a research department specialized in the development of non-human primate animal models of infections by viruses, bacteria, parasites, but also by toxins that affect humans. These pre-clinical models provide researchers and clinicians with
useful data concerning the physio-pathological parameters that characterize infections, before initiating the various clinical stages that will lead to new vaccines and/or treatments.
After a general presentation of IDMIT's activities, the physio-pathological parameters resulting from the intoxication of macaques by a plant protein toxin will be presented.
These data are currently being used to evaluate the protective efficacy of a polyclonal fraction of equine antibodies against the toxin of interest.


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Link to watch the event: (Enter your name in "Não tenho uma conta", then confirm)

Speaker further information can be found at: link

Frédéric Ducancel is a molecular and cellular biology research scientist at the French Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), since 1989. Deputy director of IDMIT (since 2013), he is in charge of the operating management and of technological aspects of IDMIT Department. Correspondent for Quality Management System (ISO9001), MOT (Micro-organism and Toxins) holder, and responsible for CBRN (Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear) programs within IDMI.
© 2013 a 2025 - Universidade Federal de São Paulo - Unifesp
Campus São Paulo - Rua Botucatu, n° 740 - 5º andar - Vila Clementino - São Paulo - SP - CEP: 04023-062 

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