Escola Paulista de Medicina

Brazilian postdoctoral fellowship opportunity

posdoc position

CALL for Applications: Postdoctoral fellowship opportunity for a Brazilian postdoctoral fellow at the Escola Paulista de Medicina (EPM) - Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP/EPM)

Post-Doctoral Researcher in Molecular and Cellular Neuropharmacology. The primary goal of the Laboratory of Molecular Neuropharmacology (Neurodevelopmental and Neurodegeneration Disorders Section) of Escola Paulista de Medicina (EPM) at UNIFESP (São Paulo - Brazil) is the identification of biomarkers for supporting the early diagnosis of mental disorders, with focus on the studies of oligopeptidases and/or neuropeptidases. We are also interested on understanding the molecular mechanism(s)/pathway(s) underlying the etiology and pathophysiology of mental disorders aiming to discover new targets for the development of innovative drugs and/or more effective treatments. This group invites talented and highly gifted candidates to apply for a Post-Doctoral training for identifying and characterizing biomarkers by employing clinical samples and validated animal models in comparative studies. Experience with biochemistry, molecular and cell biology, and animal models for mental disorders studies is required. Applicants with a Ph.D. in Pharmacology, Neuroscience or any related field is desired. The candidate must also possess excellent written and oral communication skills, and a solid formation and experience in technical writing in biological science. To apply send a CV, brief statement of research interests, and two references letters to: Mirian Hayashi [] Application deadline ends August 20th, 2022.





© 2013 a 2025 - Universidade Federal de São Paulo - Unifesp
Campus São Paulo - Rua Botucatu, n° 740 - 5º andar - Vila Clementino - São Paulo - SP - CEP: 04023-062 

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